Quelqueshoe Lodge By-Laws

Article I

  1. Name and General Provisions
    1. The name of this lodge shall be: Quelqueshoe Lodge 166 W.W.W.
    2. The lodge shall be governed by the provisions of the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook, by these Lodge By-Laws, and by the Operating Manual.
    3. The totem of this lodge shall be the Pine Tree and Eagle.
  2. Membership
    1. Requirements and procedures of Ordeal, Brotherhood, and Vigil Honor membership shall be stated in the Order of the Arrow Handbook, as currently revised.
  3. Structure
    1. The officers of this lodge shall be the Lodge Chief, Lodge Vice Chief, and Lodge Secretary/Treasurer. The duties of these officers shall be in a manual of operations adopted and updated by the Lodge Executive Committee. These officers shall be elected at the annual Lodge Business Meeting and take office on the first of the next year. Officers may be removed by a 2/3 vote of the Lodge Executive Committee if reasons are approved by the Scout Executive and are presented to the Lodge Executive Committee.
    2. The Lodge Executive Committee shall be composed of the Lodge Officers, Chapter Chiefs, Lodge and Chapter Advisers, the Chairmen of the Lodge Committees, the immediate past Lodge Chief, the designated member of the Council Camping Committee, the Council Executive, and the Staff Adviser. The Lodge Executive Committee shall meet according to the Operating Manual.
    3. The lodge shall meet at least four times per year at Fellowships and/or Ordeals.
    4. Dues and fees of the lodge shall be set in Article II. Accounting for all lodge money shall be established by B.S.A. regulations.

Article II

  1. Lodge Patch
    1. The official lodge patch is determined by the Lodge Executive Committee. The official red-bordered patch can be purchased for $5 at any time in any amount.
    2. Honor Patches: The yellow-bordered honor patch is given upon obtainment of Brotherhood membership. Additional Brotherhood patches can only be purchased upon being a guide (Nimat) for an Ordeal member through to Brotherhood membership. At the event, Brotherhood and Vigil Honor members may purchase one patch per Ordeal member they guide through the Brotherhood ceremony. The white-bordered honor patch is given upon receiving the Vigil Honor. Vigil members may purchase one additional patch only in attendance at the Vigil ceremony. The price for both honor patches is $10 per patch. Honor patches can only be purchased by active members.
  2. Order of the Arrow sashes shall be worn only at OA functions or when representing the lodge. B.S.A uniform is required at all OA functions.
  3. All active lodge members should attend at least one lodge meeting per year and must keep their dues up to date. Inactive members may be restored to active membership by payment of one year back dues and one year current dues. All Lodge Executive Committee members must attend at least 75% of all lodge functions.
  4. The annual lodge dues shall be $15, payable by the annual lodge business meeting.
  5. Candidates for a lodge office must have attended two meetings of the Lodge Executive Committee during the year of the elections.
  6. A member may be called before the Lodge Executive Committee for behavior unbecoming an Arrowman.
  7. The chapters of this lodge shall coincide with the current districts of the council. The names will be Netobe (Pioneer District), Chaco (Cypress Knee District), and Allogagen (Thunderbird District). Chapters will elect officers at the annual lodge business meeting for the positions of Chapter Chief, Vice Chief, and Secretary.
  8. The committees of this lodge shall be governed by the "Operating Manual" and are as follows:
    1. Program
      • Chapters
      • Fellowship
      • Service
      • Camping Promotion
      • Scout Reach
    2. Inductions
      • Ordeal
      • Unit Elections
    3. Indian Affairs
      • Ceremony
      • Dance
    4. Communications
      • Publications
      • Website
      • OA Troop/Team Representative
    5. Finance
  9. To remain an active member of Quelqueshoe Lodge, an Arrowman must be registered with Calcasieu Area Council and be current on their lodge dues.
  10. One Hundred Year Membership
    1. Be registered with Calcasieu Area Council and/or B.S.A.
    2. Be 18 years of age or have completed high school
    3. Be a Brotherhood member or by approval of the Lodge Executive Committee
    4. Be an active member
    5. Be approved by the Lodge Executive Committee and pay $50
    6. To maintain One Hundred Year Membership an Arrowman must attend at least one lodge function every two years
  11. Upon the resignation or removal of an officer, the presiding chief will appoint a replacement with the approval of the Lodge Executive Committee within 30 days.

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