Quelqueshoe Lodge - Dues

Order of the Arrow lodge dues are $18 per year. If you have completed your Ordeal last year, then you would owe this year's dues.

If you wish to know your dues status, please contact the lodge adviser.

Transferring Lodges?

If you have moved into the Calcasieu Area Council and want to transfer into Quelqueshoe Lodge, please pay your dues online and we will have somebody with the lodge contact you.

The lodge flap signifies active dues paid membership in a local lodge. "Members of the OA may be official dues-paying (and, in the case of youth, voting) members of only one lodge, that being the lodge chartered to the council where they reside and have their principal Scouting Registration."

How to Pay Dues?

The process to pay dues has changed in previous years. Now you will fill out the form on the Calcasieu Area Council website: https://www.calcasieubsa.org/OA. Please keep in mind that overtime dues may increase.